[Partner Event]Digital Economy Series- Digital & Cloud Resilience Registration Form

American Spaces Digital Economy Series brings policymakers, industry experts, entrepreneurs, and academia together unpacking the intricate landscape of technology innovation and its challenges for entrepreneurs, young talents and individuals alike. This specific symposium aims to foster a comprehensive understanding of the emerging technologies, particularly cloud applications to booster digital resilience, at the same time facing regulatory challenges and next generation cybersecurity issues. Through insightful fireside chat and panel discussions, participants will gain valuable insights into the strategies for maintaining digital resilience in the face of disruptive events, the legal and regulatory hurdles to endorse cloud services, and the latest cybersecurity trends and countermeasures.

Join us for a thought-provoking symposium where we explore the complexities and opportunities in the world of cloud services and equip ourselves with the knowledge to navigate this ever-changing terrain successfully.

【Event Details】

☁ Date & Time: 4 August 2023 10:00-12:15 a.m. (Registration starts at 9:30)

☁ Venue: NTU SPACE M (No. 4 Alley 1, Lane 10, Zhoushan Road, Taipei)

☁ This event is by invitation, please do not forward the invitation link.

☁ The event will be held in English


☁ 時間:2023/8/4(五)上午10:00-12:15 (9:30-10:00報到)

☁ 地點:臺大創新研究中心學新館SPACE M(台北市大安區舟山路10巷1弄4號)

☁ 本活動採邀請制,請勿轉發報名連結

☁ 活動將全程以英語進行


10:00-10:15 Opening Remarks

10:15-10:50 Fireside Chat with Wayne Duso, VP of Storage, Hybrid-Edge, and Data Services, AWS

10:50-12:00 Panel Discussion: Enabling Cloud Services to Boost Digital Economy

12:00-12:15 Q&A

12:15 Closing


☁Host Organizations/主辦單位:

Ministry of Digital Affairs, MODA 數位發展部

American Institute in Taiwan, AIT美國在台協會


Amazon Web Services, AWS 亞馬遜網路服務公司

MediaTek, 聯發科技

Meet Global, 創業小聚

Girls in Tech Taiwan


American Spaces, 美國資料中心

AWE Taiwan, 女性創業學院

Institute for Information Industry, 財團法人資訊工業策進會

活動報名網址: https://www.surveycake.com/s/wWzGM