Asean Events

🌟 We did it! 🌟 After an exhilarating day of networking, discussions, and collaboration, we’re thrilled to announce the successful conclusion of our business matchmaking event, “MatchMade Asia: Taiwan, India, ASEAN Green City Business Networking”! 🌏From a captivating panel discussion to 98 fruitful matchmaking sessions facilitated between 50 companies, this …

The Taipei Computer Association, in partnership with Smart City Expo 2024, is organizing MatchMade Asia: Taiwan, India, ASEAN Green City Business Networking! This B2B matchmaking event is a great opportunity to network with Taiwanese companies interested in the Indian and ASEAN markets. If you’re interested in tech transfers or purchasing …

To assist our country’s businesses in expanding into overseas markets, the Taipei Computer Association (TCA) has led a delegation of six outstanding member companies to Kuala Lumpur to participate in the “SMART NATION EXPO 2023” and conduct one-on-one business matchmaking meetings, aiming to explore opportunities in the local smart applications …

Date: Sep. 19th-21stBooth No: 7239Booth Name: Taipei Computer AssociationVenue: Malaysia International Trade and Exhibition Centre(MITEC) Sign up for B2B Matchmaking and Come to Booth #7239 to meet with us.   The Introduction of 6 Taiwanese Companies Accordance Systems Inc. provides system integration solutions for smart manufacturing, including remote monitoring and management of equipment, manufacturing process automation, and …

馬來西亞於2021年9月頒布「第十二個馬來西亞計劃」制訂2021至2025年的發展藍圖。該計劃包括三個方面,即促進經濟增長、推動環境可持續發展和改善民生。計劃概述多個可帶動經濟增長的新引擎,包括工業4.0、數位經濟、航太和區域綜合發展,以及可持續能源和基建聯通等增長助力。環境可持續發展領域聚焦綠色發展,涵蓋藍色經濟、綠色科技、再生能源以及適應和減輕氣候變化影響。第十二個馬來西亞計劃的目標,是推動國家於2025年發展成為高收入經濟體。   今年SMART NATION 2023 馬來西亞智慧國家展暨媒合會將聚焦於5G、智慧城市、工業4.0、新興技術與應用。為協助台灣廠商擴大海外拓銷商機、跨域整合,提升技術與產品之附加價值,預計將帶領六家台灣廠商參加展覽並於參展期間舉辦媒合活動,建立商機串接與媒合管道,協助台灣廠商爭取更多市場拓展商機。 我們誠摯地歡迎相關領域之廠商把握良機盡快報名保留您的席位🤝 📝報名網址請點擊:🔗 ⚠️因名額有限,是否獲選本會都將盡速通知‼️ **更多參展/媒合會/企業參訪細節詳見** 🔍

泰國受益經濟復甦及美中科技戰,數位轉型及外國相關投資增加,並且積極吸引先進科技領域的投資與發展及泰國大選後新政府對數位科技發展重心似乎也有不同的想法去進行更深入的探討,本活動邀請泰國 Zicure系統整合商蒞臨現場及Loxley Public系統整合商線上分享未來數位商機焦點與合作機會。泰國國家電信(National Telecome)資深副總也將到現場交流。 除了泰國重要系統整合商分享外,亦邀請TCA所籌組的ASEAN Society召集群研華科技與精誠資訊高層分享他們在經營泰國與東協市場的經驗,以及可與ASEAN Society成員資源整合、共享及協同合作的機會。多個海外商機拓展機會一次把握,請不要錯過。座位有限,手刀搶佔: 【TCA ASEAN Society】為台北市電腦公會為整合拓展東協市場之臺灣業者,建立國內外商業人脈、分享市場拓展經驗、促進業者間協同合作,邀請精誠資訊及研華科技等深耕東協市場的領導業者,共同建立的產業社群。邀請台灣和東協國家產業組織與業者加入,凝聚人脈與商機資訊,達到台灣廠商拓銷東協市場的多贏成效。

We are delighted to share that TCA led 4 Taiwanese companies to participate in Future Energy Asia & Future Mobility Asia and also hold a Physical Business Matchmaking on this May 17-19. Focuses on the impact and possibilities of Net Zero, Energy management, and Mobility today and tomorrow. The event …

It’s pleased to inform you that Taipei Computer Association will lead 4 Taiwanese companies to participate in Future Energy Asia & Future Mobility Asia during May 17-19, focusing on the impact and possibilities of Net Zero, Energy Management and Mobility. TCA will hold physical business matchmaking at the expo booth …