

臺灣大學國際處與台北市電腦公會合作,於4/22(五)舉辦國際人才交流暨企業招募說明會。將有 @AcerTaiwan 、 @ecloudvalleytaiwan 、 #群翊工業 、 #耐銳利科技 、 @itri.tw 、 @go.ubiik 、 @Yallvend 等公司高層與人資主管出席,並接受履歷投遞。現場也會有兩位在臺就業多年的 #印尼 與 #馬來西亞  人分享他們如何在臺灣求職與工作。



10:00 – 11:50 企業招募說明會、外籍人才經驗分享(梁國樹會議廳)

11:50 – 14:30 企業招募博覽會(學習開放空間)




※ 因梁國樹會議廳座位有限,僅為前165位報名之學生預留座位及餐盒。

International Career Fair 2022 is coming to National Taiwan University on April 22nd. This time NTU OIA collaborate with Taipei Computer Association, and STARTBOARD, a startup incubator to create plenty of job opportunities for international students.

The recruiters include ACER, eCloudvalley, GROUP UP Industrial, Neurelli, ITRI, Ubiik and Yallvend, which will introduce their open positions, and set up booths to take your resume and have face-to-face conversations with you! Moreover, there will also be International Talent Presentation & Panel, where two foreign talents from Malaysia and Indonesia, who have been working in Taiwan for many years will share their experience and tips for work permit application, job hunting, and working life in Taiwan.

Mark your calendar for Friday, April 22nd

Venue: LIANG KUO SHU International Conference Hall, the 3rd floor, College of Social Sciences


10:00 – 11:50 Recruiter and International Talent Presentation

11:50 – 14:30 Career Fair

Please note that there will be limited seats available at the conference hall.

ONLY the first 165 students from NTU System(NTU, NTUST, NTNU) who register for this event can have a seat and lunch prepared by NTU OIA.

All international students interested in working in Taiwan’s ICT industry are welcome to join this event!

Register here: https://seminars.tca.org.tw/D91d00025.aspx

*The agenda and attendance capacity are subject to change due to COVID-19 prevention measures.