為協助我國業者拓展海外市場,台北市電腦公會帶領六家優秀會員廠商組成馬來西亞市場拓展團赴吉隆坡參加「馬來西亞國家智慧展」(SMART NATION EXPO 2023)及辦理一對一企業媒合會,爭取當地智慧應用商機。
• 聯剛科技股份有限公司
• 來毅數位科技股份有限公司
• 海韻智能股份有限公司
• 凌羣電腦股份有限公司
• 定揚科技股份有限公司
期盼本次拓展團能為各位參展商博取更多洽談合作機會,預祝業績蒸蒸日上、訂單滿滿! 更期待未來我國廠商與馬國雙方可進一步深化產業合作,開發更多潛在商機。
To assist our country’s businesses in expanding into overseas markets, the Taipei Computer Association (TCA) has led a delegation of six outstanding member companies to Kuala Lumpur to participate in the “SMART NATION EXPO 2023” and conduct one-on-one business matchmaking meetings, aiming to explore opportunities in the local smart applications market.
The Malaysia Market Expansion Delegation is composed of the following six companies:
• Accordance Systems Inc.
• Lydsec Digital Technology Co., Ltd.
• OSMART Solutions
• Sea Sonic Energy Co., Ltd.
• SYSCOM Computer Engineering Co.
During the delegation’s visit, in addition to participating in the SMART NATION EXPO 2023 and conducting one-on-one business matchmaking meetings, they also visited several local associations and companies, including:
• Malaysian Automation Technology Association (MATA)
• Taiwan Chamber of Commerce & Industry in Malaysia (TWCHAM)
• Malaysian Smart Cities Association (MSCA)
•Association of the Computer and Multimedia Industry (PIKOM)
We hope that this delegation can help exhibitors gain more opportunities for cooperation and wish them great success and abundant orders. We also look forward to further deepening industry cooperation between our country’s businesses and Malaysia, and exploring more potential business opportunities in the future.