【活動回顧】11/9 馬來西亞2030新工業大藍圖市場機會與商機拓展分享會



馬來西亞友誼及貿易中心 MFTC Taipei代表 MS. Aznifah Abdul Ghani

馬來西亞投資發展局 Malaysian Investment Development Authority – MIDA -執行總監 Ms. Masni Muhammad​

#Malaysia_Automation_Technology_Association Johnson Tan理事長


我們也很高興邀請以下產業先進為我們帶來精彩的在馬來西亞投資、發展等實例解析 👏👏

資誠(PwC Taiwan)張家健合夥律師

Advantech MalaysiaIvan Kong業務經理


Guider 蓋德科技許賓鄉董事長


In our event “Malaysian New Industrial Master Plan 2030 and Market Experience Sharing” yesterday were held by TCA. We’d like to thank the Malayisa government department, Associations and enterprises for their support!

▲ MS. Aznifah Abdul Ghani, President of Malaysian Friendship & Trade Center

▲ Ms. Masni Muhammad, Executive Director, Investment Policy Advocacy of MIDA

▲ Ir. Johnson Tan, President of Malaysia Automation Technology Association

▲ Mr. Kent Chong, Partner,Pricewaterhouse Coopers Legal & Southeast Asia and India Business Group of PwC Taiwan

▲ Mr. Ivan Kong, Sales Manager of Advantech Malaysia

▲ Mr. Stanford Guo, Executive Director of My Secure Place Sdn Bhd

▲ Mr. Ricky Hsu, Chairman of Guider Technology

Once again, Thank you for joining us yesterday.